Thanks for the Fair Perspective on the College Football Conferences

by Supernaut
(The Sunshine State)

I was born and raised in Big 10 country and now reside in SEC territory. I didn't attend a school in either conference so I don't have a rooting interest either way.


First of all, the "best conference" is an annual thing. Put together recent history and you have a trend. I must admit the recent trend favors the SEC as the best football conference.

I give this website credit for giving a fair shake to all the other BCS conferences, unlike some "experts" in the media who beat their chest and say the SEC is the best and everyone else sucks.

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Greg Auburn University '74

Wow! Nice work. I've looked for the information on your site for a while, and I'm very happy to have found it. Thank you for your diligence, thoughtful prose and careful analysis.

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Buckeyes Fan

This is one of the most balanced and informative sites I have seen regarding SEC football. Great job.

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Great Article: SEC #1; Big Ten #2

by Jeff -- Ohio State Fan Check in From Chicago

This is probably the best, most accurately unbiased article I have ever seen. It is written based on facts and fairly presented. There is no doubt the SEC is the best conference in football.

However there is no doubt that the Big Ten is second and over the years they have traded superiority. It is a shame more teams don't play each other in the season before the league play starts. However it is so hard to go through the SEC schedule it is not worth it to the SEC.

However the Big 10 can gain some great respect by going into SEC country and coming out with a win or even competing on a level the other SEC'S do, ie South carolina Georgia last week.

It may also help recruiting to be able to be seen in the south a little more.

Until there is a playoff system we will have to continue to rely on the bowls and while LSU had a great advantage at home in the Dome and USC was at home in LA, Stanford was away when they went into SC and kick their ass, so no matter what anyone says that day the better team won and that is what really counts W V L and that is what you spoke to.

Kudo's to you my Southern friend !

Editor's Note: Wow, Jeff, kind of you to say. We really do try our best to be fair and still be fans of the SEC. Hope you come back around again. Mo

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By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025

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