Comments for Great Article: SEC #1; Big Ten #2

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Sep 22, 2008
Not sure Big Ten Is #2 Anymore
by: Richard

I agree, great article and nice summary of where we are in SEC vs Big Ten. Problem I have is I just don't see the Big Ten as hanging with the other conferences.

I mean, just look at this week's AP poll (Sept 21, 2008). We seen 4 SEC teams in the Top 10 -- before we find a Big Ten team -- in at #9 (Wisconsin).

#1 USC is from the Pac-10 and demolished the top Big Ten Team (Ohio State) earlier this year.

#2 is from the Big 12 -- Oklahoma.

I guess maybe if you factor in history (after all Michigan has the most wins all-time of any college football team) -- well, maybe then we keep the Big Ten up there.

But, gotta say, they are dropping fast....

Sep 29, 2008
Top programs of all time
by: Bill

Did you just say...well if count all of history, the Big 10 may be up there. Here is the all time top 10 winningest programs. 3 are from the Big 10 Conference and in the top 6 programs of all time, which makes more sense than taking one period of time or one decade.

1. Michigan 869
2. Notre Dame 824
3. Texas 820
4. Nebraska 817
5. Ohio State 798
6. Penn State 790
7. Alabama 787
8. Oklahoma 776
9. Tennessee 771
10. So. Cal 751

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