You Should Be Ashamed Of Supporting BCS Monopoly

by Garrett Bybee
(Layton, Utah)

You call yourself a fair and unbiased site? That is the biggest lie I have ever heard in my entire life! This is the most biased article I have ever read. Be ashamed of yourself for supporting the monopoly of the BCS and looking down upon the so called "small schools." They have every right to be given the chance to play for the National Championship as the "big schools." Just because the "big schools" get all the money and a walk-in to all the BCS bowl games does not make them qualified to even play in the BCS bowl games. The best teams should play whether they be "big schools" or "small schools." No team should get an automatic bid into any bowl! Implement a playoff system and I guarantee you the best two teams will be playing for the National Championship!

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By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025

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