Why Does Georgia Always Get Ref Calls In Their Favor?

by JT and the Gang
(Atlanta GA)

I luv SEC football and have been a fan for years. Why is it that Georgia ALWAYS gets ref calls in their favor?

It seems to us that GA always gets away with one or two pass interference calls, or the calls are against the opposing team when there was not a penalty. There have been cases where unsportsmanlike conduct should have been called against GA for taunting and weren't.

I thought it was just me, but realized others (the Gang) thought the same way. Some are GA fans some are not. We are not asking for special treatment in GA's favor or the other team's favor. We just want a fair and enjoyable game.

We would like to get our moneys worth for tickets, commute, tailgate, lodging, etc. A few in the gang are Alumni and hate to admit what they see each week.

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Aug 18, 2011
ref calls
by: Anonymous

Whinner . You must be a G/T fan . Always looking for an excuse .

Oct 08, 2011
So true
by: Anonymous

Watching the Georgia vs Tennessee game now I have to agree.
Three bad calls so far that even the commentators are saying are horrible calls.
Is Georgia paying off these refs or something...

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