What's the Latest on Tennessee's Alleged Felons?

by Mo Johnson
(SEC Country)

I keep getting asked questions like:

What's the latest on Tennessee's three new alleged felons?

Don't any of these schools have curfews anymore?

Why were these three "student-athletes" out at a convenience store at 0130 in the morning anyhow? Is there no discipline anymore?

For what it's worth, here's my take on the arrest of Janzen Jackson, Michael Edwards and Nu'Keese Richardson for attempted armed robbery.

I think this could become a big problem for Lane
Kiffin. These were his recruits, so it goes to the heart of his strength -- recruiting. Also, now he can't tell parents how he will protect their children and ensure they grow up to be honorable men.

But, it's all a reflection of society in general. I mean, no college students have curfews -- so it would be hard to impose them on athletes only (other than maybe the night before a game).

Also, I think much of this didn't happen in the "good old days" simply because kids from impoverished areas, who might have criminal tendencies, stayed in those impoverished areas -- they generally didn't play college football.

So, in a way, college football is simply now reflecting a more complete picture of our society than maybe it did in years gone by.

And, everyone says -- well, Bear Bryant (or Robert Neyland) would have kicked them off the team right away. Well, Bear Bryant had his choice of recruits -- I think he pretty much could pick and choose the best college eligible athletes in the country and they were all dying to play for him. And once they arrived on campus, they lived Bama football.

It's a different world now. I wonder how bear would do in today's college football?

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Nov 17, 2009
It's a D-I Problem
by: DC

Bear Bryant today would have the same problem relating that General Patton would have in the Army. Society at-large has changed. Not as much respect for elders as in years past.

D-I coaches today face more challenges ranging from inner-city athletes to demanding alums who feel that if they donate x dollars they have a right to voice their concerns. It's not a UT problem, it's a D-I wide problem.

Nov 28, 2009
Lane's mouth
by: Rob

Ok Tenn. If your main objective was to get your football program back in the limelight, success is yours. Lane came in talking junk and maybe can get to 7 and 5 for the season and most of that is on the strength of Monte's D. Otherwise, I really don't see Tenn as back on their game again, although they did have a good game at Florida. It does appear to this Alabama bred, Florida living SEC fan that the Tenn fans are simply satisfied with at bunch of trash talk as opposed to some results. My thoughts are come in like a lamb and go out like a champ as opposed to coming in with the cakehole wide open and full of brevado and winding up in the Mineke car care bowl. 6 and 6 sounds an awfully Fulmerish you all.

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