what debate? big ten is the best!

if you separate fact from fiction, there is no debate the big ten is clearly the best conf. ever compared to other conferences, and im a pac 10 fan,

the big ten has the most all time wins, the most national championships, and the most bowl victories of any conference in the country.

sec fans are always dogging ohio state, if it wasnt for the state of ohio you wouldnt be playing football, or even have a die hard buckeye for a coach, bob stoops is a buckeye, pete carrol is a buckeye, les miles is a wolverine, nick saban is a buckeye,

the sec plays big ten football, there is no diff, id love to see an sec team play up north out of their environment, they couldnt handle it

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Sep 07, 2009
Someones out there
by: Mr Reality

I'd like whatever you're smoking. You are delusional. If you look at the Big 11 SEC match ups you see Michigan play Vandy every other year and then claim dominance over the SEC. Fact is the Luckeyes are 9-0 against SEC in bowl games and the rest of the conference is spotty at best.

Sep 08, 2009
acording to overall statistics
by: Anonymous

the buckeyes are 6-9 in bowl games against the sec
why is it that the sec has a couple of good years and they think their gods, lets just stay with the history of the sec, mediocore

Aug 16, 2012
OH St. has ZERO bowl wins vs SEC!
by: Bayou Bengal on the Left Coast

OH St. has played SEC members in bowls 10 times. Nine were losses & 1 was a victory later vacated for OH. St's use of multiple ineligible players in the Sugar Bowl vs Arkansas.

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