USC: A Great run from 2003-2005? More like 2002-2009

by JD
(Austin, TX USA)

The "USC having a great run from 2003-2005" Is hilarious. Try a great run from 2002-2009.

They were the best team in the 2000's. You don't become that with a 3 year run.

They were something like 52-11 against ranked teams from 2002-2009. They were 8-1 or 8-0 vs. the SEC. They should have been in 5 title games but were only invited to 2. They averaged 11.12 wins a year from 2002-2009.

They actually had balls and played some tough OOC matchups (notably a 1-and-1 with Ohio State.) No other top 10 teams would even think of doing that, but USC did. And they did it away from their home field, too.

And for anyone that brings up Bush, the kid took money to LEAVE school...not GO to USC. There is a big difference.

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Aug 10, 2011
Give me a break
by: Anonymous

usc were the biggest cheeters in college football history. When the so called wins are properly vacated over Bush, (that means all the years he played there)their recored isn't so hot. SMU was given the death penalty for doing less than usc!!
Not to mention get whipped by Texas in their own stadium while they were cheating.

Nov 20, 2011
USC kicks SEC butt
by: Anonymous

Reggie was not recruited illegaly like most SEC schools do. Hmm Cam Newton (yea he is totally clean! Yea Right), More BS from SEC schools. Nearly everytime without extending back to ancient days...USC has dominated SEC school each and everytime. I remember we played Auburn, Arkansas..Each game was basically a blowout by USC. USC does get beat on occasion but almost never a blowout. Vacated wins? lets try to pretend that games did not happen and lets' punish those who had absolutely nothing to do with Bush's family NCAA illegal activities. The sterotypical ideas of the south that have been around forever (racist, inbreed) are stereotypes for a reason (They are True!!).

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