Tim Tebow Now Belongs in the Top 5... Maybe #1 or #2

by Paul Crandall
(Jacksonville, Florida. USA)

Tim Tebow:  What a player!

Tim Tebow: What a player!

Tim Tebow is a dual threat QB that helped lead The Florida Gators to 2 National Championships and 2 SEC Titles in his 4 years at Florida. He broke so many rushing records and total yardage records that they are too numerous to count. Then there is his character and off the field persona. No one has ever compared to Tim Tebow for the total player...

Comments for Tim Tebow Now Belongs in the Top 5... Maybe #1 or #2

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Jun 17, 2010
Please let us know what you think
by: Mo Johnson

Paul, thanks for the post. You're right we need to put him up there. But, which of the other top 5 players do we knock out?

Everyone -- let us know what you think. Do we take out Joe Namath or Jack Youngblood?

Aug 08, 2010
Namath Must Go
by: Anonymous

I think you leave Youngblood in as a defensive player.... With Three QB's on the list it starts to weigh too heavy at 1 position....

Oct 06, 2010
Peyton Out, Tebow a no go and Tee Martin in.
by: Anonymous

In all honesty, Youngblood should be up at #2. Leave Nemath, drop Peyton.. Peyton wasn't all that.. The UT made it seem like Peyton was the only person on the team as did UF with Tebow. As a Gator fan for 20 years, Tebow is a no go as well.. Tee Martin deserves it more then Timmy Boy.. Tee Martin in, Peyton out.

Nov 27, 2010
Tee Martin Over Tim Tebow? Really?
by: Tom SEC Fan 30 yrs

Tee Martin had one year of solid play at best. Arkansas had to literally lay the ball on the turf for UT and Tee Martin to even have a shot at a title. Then they played FSU without their starting QB and nearly blew that anyway. I agree that Peyton Manning was not "all that" esp. since he never beat UF and was so unimpressive that he lost out on the Heisman to a DB!

Tebow won 2 Nat'l Championships, 2 SEC Championships, and literally carried his team through numerous huge wins. He also won a Heisman as the first ever in history to have 20 TDs rushing and passing and, as a QB mind you, broke the rushing TD record set be Herschel Walker. His only real "miss" in his career was when he fell short on a 3rd SEC Championship and a shot at a 3rd National Championship from one mediocre performance.

Under what circumstances on what planet would any quarterback in the history of the league rate above that? How could you even make a case for Tee Marin?

Nov 29, 2010
Tebow's place in SEC history
by: Cu75

Tebow's football stats are unreal. But his presence and character set him apart. He was the psychological and emotional leader of his team. No one can approach his combination of football skills and leadership. He drove his team through sheer will and determination. College football wont see the like of him for a long time if ever.

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