The Michigan - Vanderbilt Series

by David

Being a Tennessee fan, I hate to help the Michigan / Big 10 case but you need to know the history. Michigan’s record against Vanderbilt is often used to de-value their all-time record against current SEC schools. It is often, correctly pointed out that the record includes 10 wins, a tie, and no losses against Vandy. Here are the records of those Vandy teams:

2006: 4-8
1969: 4-6
1923: 5-2-1
1922: 6-0-1
1914: 2-6-0
1913: 5-3-0
1911: 8-1-0
1908: 7-2-1
1907: 5-1-1
1906: 8-1-0
1905: 7-1-0

You’ll note that in 5 of those years, Vandy was perfect but for the Michigan game. By the way, 9 of the 11 games were at Michigan. It's also worth noting that Vandy's Coach McGugin had Michigan ties, including having Michigan's coach Yost as a brother-in-law.

It might also interest you to know that, at the beginning of the 1940 season, Vandy was the all-time winningest southern team. Vandy had won 13 conference championships in the pre-SEC years (in the SIAA and Southern which at that time were more-or-less supersets of the subsequent SEC. The SIAA stretched from Virginia to Texas at one time. The Southern was more of an ACC-SEC combo). They have no SEC championships.

Through 1935, Vandy had only 2 losing seasons. They had 6 undefeated and 17 one-loss seasons during that era. Since 1960, Vandy has had only 4 winning seasons, none in the last 25.

As a Tennessee fan, I must point out that, among current SEC teams, the best overall winning percentage in the pre-SEC years belongs to Vandy but the best percentage in the SEC years belongs to Tennessee (NOT Alabama). I will concede the all-time percentage to Alabama (thanks to the pre-1911 years).

I recognize the good Vandy years were in a different era, a long time ago, but don’t de-value the wins because they were Vandy. Vandy was very good in those early years.

Thanks David, good stuff!

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Aug 12, 2008
Minor Correction
by: David

I stated that "in 5 of those years, Vandy was perfect but for the Michigan game". I should have said "undefeated". In 1907, they were 5-1-1 having been beaten by Michigan. In 1922, their only blemish was the tie to Michigan (at Vandy, while opening their new 20,000 seat stadium). In each of 1905, 1906, and 1911, there was a lone loss to Michigan.

Jan 20, 2009
Fine, except ...
by: SECond2None

This is all fine and dandy, except when Michigan was playing Vanderbilt on a regular basis, there was NO Southeastern Conference! This isn't an SEC-Big Ten thing at all. That would be like the ACC beating its chest about Miami's five football titles when, in fact, none of those championships came when Miami was in the ACC.

Sep 21, 2010
by: Anonymous

SECond2None, you missed the point.

It doesn't matter what year the SEC was formed, it's about their record against the current SEC lineup.

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