
I grew up in Knoxville listening to my annoying loud mouth friends (obviously I am talking about SEC fans) but rooting for OSU as a kid (born in Ohio but moved to Tennessee very young). I used to sell programs at UT games... wearing my OSU garb.

Let me tell you what I would like to see, some of your SEC teams go up North and play in the frigid conditions that exist in the Northeast, Midwest, Plains, Northwest etc.

All Southern teams have an advantage come Bowl time because the Northern players have acclimated to the cold weather, seriously. Do you realize after you get used to living and playing in cold temperatures that even 55 degrees seems balmy?

I've watched people in the dead of winter, when the temperature hits 45 and the sun is out, driving around with their windows down! I am not blaming the failures of the Big Ten squarely on local, but would love to see a BCS game played in an outdoor stadium, up North! How about Minneapolis, Cleveland, Detroit, Buffalo?

As for that whiner Les Miles, what a baby! As much as I hate Michigan, even I am glad to see they will not get stuck with him! I have a lot of respect for Michigan and their program and none for him.

I hope wherever LSU ends up, they get beat. The SEC is a great football conference, no doubt, but I get even more enjoyment out of watching them lose out of conference games than OSU beating Michigan!

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Oct 30, 2010
Frozen Field Myth
by: Anonymous

One of the better excuses being put forth. How many times does Ohio State play on a frozen field per year? I live in Columbus and play golf pretty much March thru December. Remember the other excuse - We haven't played in two months.

Ohio State playing all of it's games in the frozen tundra is just another excuse/myth.

It's like Ohio State players have never seen warm weather.
I live here and am a fan - but not delusional.

Get a good coach.

Learn to win instead of playing a weak schedule and hoping for a championship.

Win it!!!!!!!!

Mar 14, 2011
by: Anonymous

I have to admit that if sec teams played in iowa, michigan, ohio, or anywhere north of the mason dixon, It would be OSU/big ten homefield advantage. (stating the obvious)

Vise versa is just what actually happens.

Imagine OSU playing FL in Iowa for a bowl game. Who has the homefield advantage then?

Look up what florida based NFL teams say about playing in steeler country or New England.

Oct 30, 2011
by: Anonymous

One of the most RIDICULOUS arguments I have ever seen. Talent overcomes lack of talent in tolerable AND intolerable conditions on almost every occasion.

Most southern schools are known for their defenses and running games, two aspects that would negate harsh weather conditions. Spread offenses built around speed, such as Florida's and Auburn's, would probably be affected by snowy conditions, but running teams with strong defenses, such as Alabama and LSU, would have no problem in harsh weather. Next excuse...

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