SEC vs Big Ten Since BCS Inception

by troy

Its always the SEC fans that have to bring up this argument. If a Big Ten fan brings some facts to the table that destroys your argument, SEC fans change the rules like you cant count South Carolina or Arkansas or you can't count Penn State, you always move the goal post (punn intended). I decided to go back and look at ALL bowl records between Sec and Big Ten since the inception of the BCS.
So here we go

2003 Music City Bowl - Wisconsin 14 Auburn 28 - SEC
2005 Outback Bowl - Wisconsin 21 Georgia 24 - SEC
2006 Capitol One Bowl - Wisconsin 24 Auburn 10 - BT
2007 Capitol One Bowl - Wisconsin 17 Arkansass 14 - BT
2008 Outback Bowl - Wisconsin 17 Tennessee 21 - SEC

1999 Citrus Bowl - Michigan 45 Arkansass 31 - BT
2000 Orange Bowl - Michigan 35 Alabama 34 - BT
2001 Citrus Bowl - Michigan 31 Auburn 28 - BT
2002 Citrus Bowl - Michigan 17 tennessee 45 - SEC
2003 Outback Bowl - Michigan 38 Flordia 30 - BT
2008 Capitol One Bowl - Michigan 41 Flordia 35 - BT

2004 Outback Bowl - Iowa 37 flordia 17 - BT
2005 Capitol One Bowl - Iowa 30 LSU 20 - BT
2006 Outback Bowl - Iowa 24 Flordia 30 - SEC
2009 Outback Bowl - Iowa 31 South Carolina 10 - BT

Michigan State
2000 Citrus Bowl - MSU 37 Flordia 34 - BT
2009 Outback Bowl - MSU 12 Georgia 24 - SEC

2002 Sugar Bowl - Illinois 34 LSU 47 - SEC

Ohio State
2001 Outback Bowl - OSU 7 SC 24 - SEC
2002 Outback Bowl - OSU 28 SC 31 - SEC
2007 BCS NCG - OSU 14 Flordia 41 - SEC
2008 BCS NCG - OSU 24 LSU 38 - SEC

2000 Outback Bowl - Purdue 25 Georgia 28 - SEC
2004 Capitol One Bowl - Purdue 27 Georgia 34 - SEC

2009 Outback Bowl - NWU 35 Auburn 38 - SEC

2002 Music City Bowl - Minn 29 Ark 14 - BT
2004 Music City Bowl - Minn 20 Alabama 16 - BT

Penn State
2002 Capitol One Bowl - PSU 9 Auburn 13 - SEC
2006 Outback Bowl - PSU 20 Tenn 10 - BT
2009 Capitol One Bowl - PSU 19 LSU 17 - BT

So head to head the SEC has 15 wins and the Big Ten has 15 wins. That will continue to change on a yearly basis. I would say top 5 BT teams could play top 5 SEC teams on a regular basis and you'll get similar results. I wont sit and say the Big ten is the better conference, to do that you would have to take way more in to consideration than just football.

So you SEC fans can stop all your chest pounding and trash talking because you cant argue with the facts when a team like Minnesota definitely at the bottom level in the BT year in and year out beats Alabama consistently in the top of the SEC year in and year out. I would however like to see the SEC come north and play in the cold late in the season and see how you'd do since 99% of these bowl games are played in the SEC's back yard, not because I think we'd win every game but just to see how SEC would play in the cold.

One last thing I would like to see is Boise State play a full year in either confrence and get destroyed just so the BSU fans would shut the F--k up and stop whining about how they get no respect, all other teams are scared of them and wont play them or how they would walk through these conferences if only the chicken shits from the BT or the SEC would just play them bla, bla, bla.

I'm sure you SEC fans would agree with me on that. Just wondering what you SEC fans think?

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Dec 30, 2010
by: Anonymous

Good post...double-check the scores and you'll see it's actually 16-14 Big Ten, not 15-15...just a little more ammo for you.

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