SEC Owns National Championship

by ArrowSmith
(Marathon, Florida)

The Sec is 3 for 3 in the last three BCS National Title Games. The SEC has won four of the last 6. In Sixteen years the SEC has had four teams win the National Title. This year the SEC had two teams fighting for the chance to play Oklahoma, Alabama and Florida. The Gators win and win the National Title.

No Conference has anything close to the SEC. The amount of talent is overwhelming. Someone mentioned Alabama lost to Utah. So. Unless you understand that Alabama really could have cared less. Why? Because they were pissed off at themselves for not beating Florida to Oklahoma.

Utah thinks they belong. Whatever. BAMA minds were not in the Sugar Bowl it (BAMA) wanted the Gold of the BCS NC Game. So Utah can brag all they want but it matters not Florida is top Dog errr (Gator) this year.

Every year I read this site and laugh at those who pray and dream of their conference being the best. The SEC owns the National Championship and will continue for years to come.

Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Ole Miss, and others will be at the top next season. The Big 12 had one good year in 2008. The SEC has had several so please feel free to make an argument that your conference is the Number #1 conference in the Country.

Good Luck.

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