SEC Football: What a joke!

SEC fans have to be the most ignorant fans in college football. A .500 record does not "clearly" make the SEC a superior conference. Maybe you guys need to spend more time in the classroom. Also, there are a lot of factors that go into those records, not the least of which is the fact that SEC schools traditionally schedule weak non conference games.

Even if they do schedule a game with a BCS conference opponent, it's usually a bottom feeder and not a traditional power. The SEC is the most over rated conference there is, hands down.

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Jan 11, 2009
by: Anonymous

I agree they are ignorant!! SEC needs fans, but they get out of control on understanding stats and facts... which in turn, makes them ignorant.

Jan 01, 2010
SEC scam
by: Anonymous

I agree, if you look behind the scene. SEC is owned by ABC CBS and ESPN. So they are going to make everybody think that the SEC is the most powerful conference ever. Right now the SEC is 1-2 in bowl wins. They put Texas down when the beat Nebraska. Nebraska went and kick "a" against Arizona 33-0 and they never gave Texas credit. Nebraska could probably beat Alabama if the played against them. ESPN is right now "On TV" recruiting for Florida. Talking in National TV about the top 2 recruits in the Nation going to Florida and all the commitments they already have. Of course HS players would consider going to Florida after this scam on TV. TV has an impact on future recruits for SEC.

Jun 11, 2010
SEC Rules
by: Anonymous

Get over guys!! The SEC rules!!!!

Aug 21, 2010
So Much Fun To Research A Little!
by: Nicole S

It was so much fun to read this a year after we became National Champions AGAIN! I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that this is probably a disgruntled Big 10 fan... Seriously, the classrooms of SEC schools are far from sub-standard. There are a few schools outside of the conference that deserve respect, like Texas, that can handle the strength of the SEC schedule. I am so personally proud to be a fan of this conference while being a graduate from UCF! The only over rated conference would be the one that plays an 11 game series with a fluff schedule and thinks they can consider themselves a National Champion......What a joke! Play 5 SEC teams in a row then the BCS Bowl and then you will earn some respect. You whining crybaby!

Sep 25, 2010
sec pride
by: Anonymous

Lets look back at recent history to decide whether or not the sec really is the best conference. Which I think it is.2006 Florida vs Ohio state. Florida was a one loss sec team who made it through the guantlet to make it to the championship. Against a heavily favored and undefeated "Power" conference school of Ohio state and golden boy turned wuss, Troy Smith.I have never witnessed a beat down of that magnitude since the last time I watched UFC. 2007 was the same thing except it was LSU whooping OSU this time for there back to back championship runs that almost for sure ended in heartache.Then so on and so on until present day when the sec is still kicking ass. I will leave you with a stat that should make you feel better.Since the bcs has started there have been 12 national championship games played since 1998. Six out of those twelve national championships belong to sec teams. Do the math and thats .500.... Thats not to shabby if you ask me Douchebags!!! SEC 4 LIFE!!!

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