SEC Fans Have Penis Envy

by Buckeye Bill
(Midland, OH)

It's funny how SEC fans always tout the record of OSU against the SEC ONLY in bowl games. They forget to mention that we are 7-2 vs. the SEC in regular season games, which is a more accurate statistic of how a team compares against a conference when they are playing some games home and some away. Not just the home games for SEC (bowl games).

I've come to the conclusion that SEC fans have a form of penis envy and have to continually selectively choose stats that somehow claim their conference is better than the rest. I think they are jealous of the fact that we have the biggest stadiums(3 of the 4 largest in the country)and set attendance records each and every year. We have more Heisman winners, more overall awards, more tradition.

The SEC is going through a good 10 year phase and they think it will last forever. Keep believing. Like they say, the more often you tell a lie, eventually people will begin to believe it.

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Dec 12, 2010
Penis envy of what?

Hard to have peins envy of those who have none. The little 10 does this every year just to be shut up after the season. Let's see what you have, Big fat stadiums, big fat slow players, big fat bulldog faced girls and wanna be coach's that can't win the big one. We have the best, fast players, the best looking girls, the best weather and the very best coach's. Hmmmm where do I want to be? That great 10 year run will be 20 as time goes on. We have everything college football is about, and the best of the best know that. And that my penis envy suffering friend, is why we are the SEC!!!!!

Dec 12, 2010
Penis Envy
by: James

Its so cold where he is from that his penis only comes out on groundhog day. He won't even understand what groundhog day is (OSU Big Game-Same result Big L)

Dec 12, 2010
Response to Big Mike and James
by: Anonymous

Well, it appears I have struck a nerve. Like they say, when you can't argue the facts, you just name call. Big 10 still the only conference with a winning record against all others, including the SEC at 98-92-7. The SEC's favorite conference to play is Coference USA, playing them a total of 1221 times over the years, while only playing the Big 10 197 times. Wow! what an achievement. The ACC is your next favorite, playing over 1600 times
with barely a winning record. Every time I watch games from the SEC, I just keep thinking, man we have high school stadiums in Ohio that hold more than those stadiums do. Keep on playing the powerhouse Conference USA and padding your numbers.

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