Pac10 went 5-0 in bowls last year...

by rawn

..proving it is far more than "Just USC".

I believe the pac10 is like 12-10 vs the SEC since 1998. If you took out the AZ schools who changed the pac8 to the pac10 and are 0-3 vs LSU and 0-2 vs UGA, it would be even worse.

Now I grant you none of the wins are over the top 2 dogs of the SEC, LSU and UF, but still you have to give the pac10 credit. In 2009, there were 3 games between the 2 conferences, SEC won 2 of them, had home field in 2 of them, and each game was decided by single digits.

There is not this huge gap between the 2 conferences that some like to say there is.

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Nov 23, 2009
Shame on the SEC
by: John Barry

Several reasons the SEC has been in more bowl games than the Pac 10 1) The SEC has more teams
2) The SEC pads the schedules for example Alabama this year played 1)Florida International 2) Chattanooga and North Texas all home games.
Auburn played Furman,Ball State and Louisiana Tech all home games. Florida played Charleston Southern who ever they are, Florida International and Troy again all home games.LSU played Louisiana Lafayette, tulane, Louisiana Tech all home games.Arkansas played Missouri State, Eastern Michigan, Troy and Texas A&M all at home again.Now Let's look at the Pac 10 non-conference games. USC played AT Ohio State, AT Notre Dame and San Jose State. Oregon played AT Boise State, Utah and Purdue. UCLA played at Tennessee, Kansas Stae and Sandiego State. Come on SEC get on a plane and play someone.

Jan 05, 2011
Pac played only one bowl game till 1976
by: Anonymous

Some here mentioned that the reason he Big 10 has played in fewer bowls games than the SEC was due to the conference only being eligable to play one bowl game (the Rose Bowl), until 1976. The same holds true for the Pac 10, until 1976 the Pac 10 only played in one bowl game - the Rose Bowl...

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