Pac-10 is the Number One Sports Conference

by Desert Bill

Best college sports conference? Dream on. Here are the all time national championship facts. PAC-10 -359 total championships. SEC 175. Sorry, you lose. This year's directors cup also has 5 Pac-10 schools in the top 10 (Stanford #1) SEC has 3. Sorry you lose AGAIN!

In case you southern boys don't know what the directors cup is, it is the award given for the top college athletic programs in the nation. Why don't you folks quit crowing so much? Fact is, you aren't that good. PAC-10, Big-10 and Big-12 are better. Sorry. Those are the facts.

Editor's Note: Thanks Desert Bill, but with all due respect you need to get out of the sun for a bit. Problem with the Directors Cup/ Sears Cup is it counts all sports the same. So, a championship in water polo counts just the same as a BCS football championship. Give me a break. Hey, I love all sports, but there is no way that water polo is as important in the sports world as football. Sorry.

And, which conference has won the biggest 2 sports each of the past 2 years -- yea, the SEC has 2 straight football and basketball championships right now. oh, and the Lady Vols won the women's b-ball championship. And, as the site documents, there are more.

But, yea, the PAC-10 does pretty well in many of the minor sports -- as this site documents pretty fairly I think.

Feel free to submit comments at specific sports pages if you disagree with any of our assessments of our sports.

Or, if you disagree about how we weigh the sports you can comment on that at our SEC is #1 page.

Seriously, thanks for the comment. You do put some nice facts out there.


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Jan 29, 2008
SEC No way!
by: Bill

UCLA alone has won more basketball championships than your entire conference. Major sport or not. USC, Arizona, Arizona State and Oregon State in Baseball. More than your entire SEC. Only Texas has more. (Big 12) You guys aren't anywhere near the overall quality of the PAC-10. I reiterate 359 to 175 total national championships. The PAC wins an average of eight titles per year. SEC seven. Again you lose. By the way, I wondered how many of the PAC's championships were womens. 105. That still leaves the PAC at 254 total. Your so called weighting system is stupid and besides, you guys have only "Ruled" in Basketball and Football the past two years. That'll definitely change this year. As for the Lady Vols, who did they lose to in softball last year? Who did Vandy lose in baseball to? mmm, let me see Arizona Wildcats in softball. Oregon State Beavers in Baseball. Two more weak PAC-10 teams. Spring sports but NOT minor sports. No water polo there my friend. It's time that you realize the rest of the country is sick and tired of your crowing. You've had a good run. Now why not shut up the bragging and enjoy it? One last thing. Georgia a national contender? Puleeze! Tennessee took care of that, and who beat, nay walloped Tennessee? I belive that was California. Another weak PAC-10 team by your system.

Jan 29, 2008
Overall, SEC is #1 Sports Conference
by: Mo Johnson


You make some more fine points. Yes, the Pac-10 has done some great things and even dominates some sports -- as this site clearly documents.

But, overall, giving a fair weighting to the different sports and looking at them overall -- the SEC is #1.

If you disagree about our analysis of any of the sports or the weighting we give to any of the sports -- I'd love to hear it.

Thanks again for you comments.

Jul 03, 2008
The SEC = The asterisk* Conference
by: Anonymous

The PAC-10, the Big 10, and the Big 12 all have more Championships than the SEC in all sports... be it in Men's Sports only, or Overall.

You need an asterisk on the heading of this topic...
Not exactly the "Best College Sports" Confernece.

Jun 18, 2010
Pac 10
by: Anonymous

And the pac 10 is Now the pac 12 and even better then the lowly sec "Sucks Everyday Conference" Go Ducks!!!!

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