PAC 10 By Far Better Than SEC

by eintdave

The pac 10 is by far better than the sec. The pac 10 is 11-8 vs the sec this decade and the pac 10 is 12-6-1 vs the spread against the sec proving that the Sec is overvalued and the pac 10 underrated.

When fla has non conf games against fla int, troy and charleston southern and ala plays a non conf schedule of va tech, fla int, n. texas and tenn chatt -- it's no wonder these 2 teams are undefeated. Ala and Fla should be embarASSed to play that non conf schedule.

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Nov 30, 2009
week non conference schedule
by: jeffrey p

I agree the non conv play of the sec teams leave much to be desired here is a thought lets play only bcs leagues teams because they are the teams that can play for the national championship just think florida playing usc during the season or alabama playing ohio state every game would be like bowl games than you let rank teams like boise st, tcu,an other ranked teams play bcs league teams at the end of the year you have a beter look at who should play for the national championship with out all that stuff of who did they play because all of the ranked teams and all of the bcs league teams would have played each other an you would not have as many undefeated teams as we are having now.

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