Ohio State Fans: Don't Make Excuses for Losing!

by ACC Fan

What a fatally flawed argument! The Basis seems to be that OSU lost those games because either the OSU coach was no good or past his prime or because the SEC team was better and thus higher rated! DUH!

For example the writer refers to the 1992 game in which Georgia defeated OSU was because OSU ended up rated 18th whereas Georgia was rated 8th. Doesn't he realize the rankings would have been different if OSU had actually WON the game?

And some of those SEC teams he referred to as having lost to PSU or Michigan could doubtlessly claim the same lame excuses.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a Georgia Tech Alum and we have to put up with all this SEC stuff all the time. My favorite team is definitely whoever is playing Georgia, but facts are facts and everything else is just an excuse for losing!

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Dec 06, 2010
Ohio State Fans Have Blinders On
by: Anonymous

As a Big Ten fan, I have to agree with any SEC fan that points out the fatal flaws in any OSU fan's argument. They are all about excuses for losses and are only interested in bringing up the past if it is to their advantage. Ask them about their losing record against Michigan all-time and they will say the first 15 games should not count because they just started playing football when everyone else had been playing for 20 years prior. Anyone that constantly spouts about their tradition rich program should refrain from making the statement that the games played before the modern era shouldn't count. For whatever reason, there are only two eras that matter to Buckeye fans - Woody Hayes and Jim Tressel. Why? Because the only past that matters is one in which they have won.

Let's be honest. For the past 10 years OSU has lucked into 2 National Championship games only to get embarrassed by a team that was probably not the best team in the nation anyhow. Also, they have no complaint against the way the media views the SEC because they have been media darlings themselves. They bash the SEC as a bunch of criminals, yet they have had over 400 self-reported violations since Jim Tressel stepped in as coach. That happens to be twice as many as the next school. Never has the NCAA done their own investigation. Why?

It must be nice to be an OSU fan with the blinders on.

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