Not Fair OSU Always Makes BCS

(Lexington, ky)

All I know is, I can't stand how OSU gets into the BCS championship every single year, with their pathetic schedule and 'no championship game having conference'. How many times are better teams going to be shunned for OSU to get beat down by an SEC team in the final?

It's just not fair. WVU should have had the shot over OSU, better yet, I could name 4 other SEC teams that deserved a shot. I mean, Kentucky beat LSU for god sakes, OSU is 0-9 against SEC - lol.

Check this out, this is great for SEC fans tired of hearing about OSU -

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Jul 24, 2008
stop hating on OHIO STATE
by: intracite

you are a true hater, know one where im from care's about the SEC and why do fans of the SEC always say thier conference talk about your team rather than the whole conference. ohio state is ready this time we where out played both time's and to many mistake's so what we own 7 national title's more than florida and LSU combined and as far as the bowl's are concerned against you conference we have lost every last one but change will come soon. as far as in the regular season we are 7-2-2 against the SEC and why not how about you all come play that championship or bowl up here. i guess this time around the south sha'll rise again (hahahaha) SEC is so overated............ our conference is going through some trouble's but we are going to return to glory soon.

Jan 05, 2011
by: Anonymous

who won the sugar bowl?

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