by jason

I did a search of college football national champions history. After looking at the results and adding up the Big Ten National Champions and SEC National Champions since 1901,I found that the Big Ten has 35 titles to the SEC 17 titles.

Now, I have included Notre Dame in the Big Ten because, lets face it, they play pretty much a Big Ten schedule every year. I would like to add that in the 1901 season, Michigan had out scored it's opponenets 550-0!! I know it's a long time ago, but that is still pretty impressive.


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Jan 11, 2008
SEC-Big 10: The battle for #1
by: Tex/1st-N-Goal

Jason, what source(s) did you use to arrive with the Big 10 (and Notre Dame) and SEC titles?

By using the National Champions listed in the annual "NCAA Official 2007 College Football Records Book" as my source, since 1900 the following was found:

Big 10 a total of 40 National Championships...

That also included:
--11 by Notre Dame;
--4 when Penn State was an Independent;
--1 when Michigan State was an Independent.

SEC had a total of 22 National Championships...

Which included:
--1 by Arkansas as a member of the SWC

By taking out the composite of 17 titles when a team wasn't an actual member of one of the two conferences...the difference is Big 10 24-SEC 21.

The NCAA book doesn't include a number of actual champions--meaning the team was selected #1 in the year it played the game.

In fact, most of the Champions from the early days are exclusively retroactive (selected after the season in which a team was named #1.)

National Champions is one area that I devote much of my StatResearch time too.

Jan 11, 2008
That's history... i.e. in the PAST!
by: Anonymous

What was the SEC - Big 10 score card this year????

2-1 in favor of SEC!

Enough said.

May 16, 2008

If the Big Ten or any other conference in the nation had better competition during the regular season the SEC would have alot more Championships. All you guys have to win is basically 1-2 games a year and you go undefeated, we play hard teams every in-conference game we have. the only conferences that can talk **** to the SEC is Big East and Ivy League... learn your facts before talking.

Oct 10, 2009
last 15 years
by: Anonymous

Who has the most national titles in the last 15 years SEC or BIG 10

Nov 21, 2010
Oh, Billybob...
by: Anonymous

You forget too easily that the SEC being competitive is johnny-come-lately...

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