Method Integrity?

As pointed out by others, I question your choice to leave out sports where the SEC is either weak or doesn't compete.


If the ACC is at a disadvantage due to its lack of gymnastics programs, then why shouldn't the other conferences tally up points where the SEC is lacking?

I think leaving out major sports such as lacrosse, hockey (field & ice), and wrestling among others clearly hurts the Big 10, ACC, Big East and Ivy League. If the SEC doesn't have teams, then too bad, you don't get the points!

And heavily weighting the importance of SEC strengths such as football because of audiences & money is, at the very least, disrespectful to athletes of other sports, even other SEC athletes.

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Jan 02, 2010
by: Mike Slay

I can only say you must be a Liberal. Respecting other sports is one thing, but the ones you mentioned just do not interest most people. And like it or not, you can't FORCE people like what you like. Football is what it is because it's what people like. And they will spend their time and money on what they want to, at least while there is a little freedom left in this country! Football programs all over the country, (and Basketball) have funded these other sports programs for years. Is it not enough that we pay for them, now we have to like them to? FAT CHANCE! Tell me, why doesn't a ditch digger make as much as a brain surgeon? Common sense could go on here all day!

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