Mark Richt On Hot Seat

by Dyke Marler

Georgia losing on the road to Mississippi State was foreseeable to most but having lived in Georgia all my life, I can't quite get my lens focused on the fact that Georgia isn't the team I thought they would be.

I still think the NCAA ruling regarding AJ Greene selling a jersey he owned is suspect but it's way too late for all that. I guess Mark Richt can still turn it around and finish 9-3 but what a longshot that is. He just had his 10th player arrested this year.

Since June, I've been very vocal about Coach Richt being on the hot seat and due to the fact that I can almost throw a rock to Athens from where I am typing, I've caught a lot of hell about that. I'm starting to feel
like Patrick Swayze in "Roadhouse." You know, having to carry spare tires in my trunk.

Even so, I'm going to take one more step out on that limb and tell you what I really think (and seriously, isn't that why you read me?).

If Mark Richt was an ugly atheist instead of a handsome Christian, he would already be gone. If you have the courage to scratch beneath the chiseled surface, you have to admit that having more players arrested this year than Urban Meyer is alarming.

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Sep 28, 2010
wouldn't have been hired
by: MO

"If Mark Richt was an ugly atheist instead of a handsome Christian" -- then he never would have been hired in the first place.

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