Kentucky vs Arkansas Used To Be The Best SEC Basketball Rivalry

by Trey

Well up until 2001, Arkansas and Kentucky was by far the best rivalry in basketball the SEC has ever seen.

From the time Arkansas joined to about 01 or so, it was back and forth quite a bit. The first 5-6 games were all ranked match ups with several top 10 and maybe 1 or 2 top 5 match ups. Some epic battles. Usually played on Super Bowl Sunday as the only game on that day. Those years are long gone considering UK has won 10 straight times until tonight.

SEC basketball is only elite when UK and Ark are elite. No offense to Florida(recent success) or Tennessee (done absolutely nothing of importance in basketball), but Arkansas and UK are the only programs that care about basketball just as much (Arkansas) or more (Kentucky) than their football programs.

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Feb 24, 2011
Arkansas Basketball
by: Anonymous

Back when Arkansas was in the Southwest Conference those games with Houston were classics. first time they ever played Arkansas routed Houston in Fayettville in around 75 or 76. Guy Lewis and Eddie Sutton -- talk about a contrast in styles! Once when UA had the Triplets they came into Hofheinz ranked #1 playing an unranked UH team. Left with their heads in their hands, they did. Never a dull game. I thought that when Arkansas moved to the SEC (to get away from The University of Texas) they would be able to keep their mojo, but sadly it didn't happen. Sutton took it with him, to all places, UK. The SEC has it going in football, but the Big East is the dominant power in basketball.

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