Jim Tressel is Great

by Mo Johnson
(SEC Country )

Just wanted to congratulate all the Ohio State fans on another Big Ten Championship and Rose Bowl appearance. I'm always amazed at the criticism you hear of Jim Tressel for his losses in two BCS Championship Games. I mean, he won it all in 2002 and now he's won 6 Big Ten Championships; including the last 5!

He's won over 80% of the games he's coached at OSU. I mean, there are a whole, whole lot of teams who would love to be where Ohio State is under Tressel.

And, as for losing in those bowl games,

First, he's actually 4-4 in bowl games while at Ohio State.

Second, I think weather is a big problem for a Big Ten team. Here's what I mean.

Everyone agrees Tressel is a great coach, and certainly a fantastic representative of the university. But even Big Ten fans say they just wish he favored more of a wide-open SEC or Big 12 type of offense. Maybe the Buckeyes would win some of those big bowl games!

Sounds familiar?

But, I'm not so sure that's possible for a Big Ten team.

I mean, would that kind of wide-open offense succeed in the big 10? Maybe not, with snow, ice, wind, rain -- general nastiness -- there'd be lots of turnovers and losses. So, maybe you just can't win the big 10 with the
kind of wide open offense needed to win the bowl games that are played in nice balmy bowl weather.

So, maybe the Big Ten is doomed to primarily send teams to bowl games set up to lose.

But, no one can say Jim Tressel isn't a great coach.

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Nov 23, 2009
Columbus, OH
by: MM

You definitely make a very interesting point, particularly when the Big 10 championship generally hinges on a game or two in November...and it can definitely be downright chilly watching a game this time of year!

The offenses in the Big 10 that tend to be more open -- Purdue, Illinois, for example -- tend to have only periodic success. A lot of that probably comes down to talent level, or defense, but certainly offensive turnovers have played a part for Purdue, this year, although in their case I'd say it's been more talent than weather.

And our game against Wisconsin, while boring as heck, certainly fit the weather -- it was a cold, rainy, windy day, and running and defense clearly won the game.

Still.................I'd like to see "the Vest" (as the coach is so affectionately known here), not always play it so close to the vest. It would be more exciting, at least.

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