I'd Love to See SEC Teams Come North to Play in November

I think it's rarely pointed out that the SEC and the B10 usually meet in bowl games.

And the bowl games happen where? In the South.

If you did a comparison in each bowl game in terms of how far each team and its fans had to travel, you would probably find a major SEC advantage.

For a B10 team they have to travel hundreds to over a thousand miles, into a place with unfamiliar weather and spend the whole time there in a hotel, probably eating from restaurants.

Plus on the lead up to the bowl game they are often stuck practicing indoors because it's hard to practice when its 15 degrees and there is 10 inches of snow.

While in many occasions the SEC teams they are playing against are playing the bowl game in their own home state. Which means sleeping in your own bed, eating "home cooking", not having to travel far, and lots of local fan support. If they do have to travel it's a less familiar culture.

I would personally like to see some SEC teams come up north and play a comparable B10 team in November.

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Dec 20, 2010
by: Anonymous

nov, dec, jan, Any time! NFL plays all winter long in the north. Thats real football in my opinion. Cold, snowy smashmouth football.

Ya, every B10 vs sec match up in this seasons bowls games is all in sec country. every one!!!

Nov 29, 2011
See SEC Teams come North to Play in November
by: GO BIG BLUE!!!

Yeah.....good point....its harder to play in warmer weather : p

Aug 16, 2012
SEC vs Big 10 in Nov.
by: Bayou Bengal on the Left Coast

For those Big 10 fans dreaming about playing home games vs SEC teams in Nov, you can only blame your own conference for that never happening. The Big 10 insists on playing its non-conference games in Sept. The SEC members regularly play non-conference games in Nov. Starting in the 80s, SEC teams have played in a venue comparable to anything in the Big 10, @ Notre Dame. In the 80s, LSU, Ole Miss & Tenn played there. In the 90s, LSU, Tenn & Vandy played there. In the 2000s, Tenn. played there again. If the SEC is supposedly so scared of playing in the Midwest in Nov. why have these SEC teams played & won multiple times in a stadium equal to the elite Big 10 venues & superior to most of them.

Sep 03, 2017
by: Anonymous

I see out of all the mentioned teams that went north Alabama and Florida were not mentioned I wonder why that is.

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