I want a great close game...hopefully Alabama will win

by Roll Tide

People say that FL won with out Percy last year so we do not need him this year. That proves the fear. You hear people say that all the time and it turns on them quick. I do not need a gun for the fight...they get shot. Simple as that.

Now that being said, this Alabama team is better then they were last year as well. I (being a alabama fan) would be lying out my ass if I said I was not worried about losing. Florida is a great team with a great QB. I see the game going about 17 to 14 Alabama. It might turn out differently but the defense is way too good on both sides to give up 54 combined points.

I want a great close game...hopefully Alabama will win.

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By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025 SECSportsFan.com

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