Have 2 teams from same state ever won NC before?

by Raider Lady Marie

Has there ever been two different college football teams from the same state that won championships in two consecutive years?

As Alabama and Auburn have done the past two years.

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Jan 28, 2011
Yes -- Texas, but a long time ago
by: Tex Noel

yes there has been....

the 1st was from THE FB state...Texas: 1938 TCU and 1939 Texas A&M; winning the 3rd and 4th AP titles, respectively.

In fact, this was a question on a SEC game if the week--with Verne Lundquist and Gary Danielson. I knew the answer as soon as it was asked.

I am sure you're talking major college...NAIA 1 1970s: 1972-79 ALL from Texas; in fact, 1970 was also from TX; 1971 Alabama...so that was 9 of 10 from one state.

But, as for major college football -- Alabama (2009) and Auburn (2010)is the first for a single state since 1938 - 39. Well before the lifetimes of most of us. So, quite an accomplishment for sure.

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