GO Bucks

by Tezzy274
(B'ham, al)

The BIG TEN is the best conference to me!!! Just look at tradition.

Ohio state has the only two time heisman winner. This was without the hype espn gave the god Tim Tebow.

Michigan with the most wins in college football history.

WE have the biggest stadiums in football. over 100,000 plus. Joe Pa and not the Bear has the most wins.

The Ohio state has put more talent in the nfl in the last ten years, also rank second only to texas in money brought in every year.,also The Ohio state has played in three national championship games in bcs era. Only Stoops can say he has done that.

Yes bama has 12 national championships but besides this year been on probation more than they attend a bowl game. Florida wins 3 national championships in 100 yrs of playing now the a power house.

Man please!!!!! sec fans really need to thank ESPN for All the hype they getting. Remember SEC fans what at top shall fall and again u will be on the outside looking in.

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Jan 06, 2010
Happy for you
by: Mike S

I amd very happy for you to have the past to hang onto. You once were a power, but let's remember that before ESPN you had the major networks pumping you guy's. What ESPN did was let the world see how bias the "OLD" media was. Also the whole land now sees everyone and people are not stupid. As far as history and coming back, Well the Ivy league once held everything in football too. WOW, they sure came back didn't they. SEC is here to stay. It's also funny with all those big stadiums the SEC has the highest attendence record every year. Also Texas was named the richest football program by Forbes. OH yea, he's from the north to.

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