Florida Gators are #1

by Island Girl

Georgia? Do you really think they stand a chance...nah. Sorry, but I must disagree...Florida is going to take this one. I really feel Florida got their wake up after that horrible "game" against Ole Miss and I think they will be unstoppable.

So who do you see in the BCS game based on the outcome of this weekend's games??? I really don't think Penn St. has a chance...they are good for who they play, but not a strong enough team to hold up against the SEC...

GA, Bama, FL...any would crush 'em. I think any of the three would be a real threat to Texas. Bama's good, but I think Urban's boy's could take them this year...their hearts in it more.

Just my 2 cents from my little rock in the sea.

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Oct 29, 2008
I agree -- sort of
by: Mo

We'll see about Georgia-Florida. I agree Florida has a great team and they may well win the game. I just think it'll be Georgia because of Moreno. We'll see.

Either way, I think the winner is the best team in America; will beat Alabama in the SEC Championship game and win the BCS Championship Game if selected.

I say "if selected" because, as usual, the Big Ten Champion (this year Penn State) has an inside track to the BCS Championship game because they have a relatively weak schedule. They already beat OSU and don't play anyone else who realistically is likely to challenge them.

So, it'll all hinge on whether Texas loses a game. I think Texas will so, the winner of Florida-GA will face Penn State for the BCS Championship.

And...the SEC team will win.

How's that for calling it early? :)


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