Curious were you get your numbers?

I was just curious were you get your numbers of 63-45-2 vs the Big-10?

I've looked at the same statistics & my numbers show they have played many more games. I looked at all the numbers as well as some other websites & the census on the record is 91-86-6 with a slight edge to the Big-10.

Of course if you break it down team by team you will see that the bottom teams of each conference have played the top teams of the other conference many more times. Example Vandy vs Michigan (met 11 times) rather than say Florida vs Michigan (met 1 time).

I was just wondering if your looking at only certain games like just regular season games & not bowl games?

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Aug 25, 2007
Good Question
by: Anonymous

Hi -- good question. The devil is indeed in the details.

The numbers I use are based on historical conference affiliation. It only includes head-to-head match-ups between Big Ten and SEC teams -- when they were in the conference. So, it would not count Penn State games vs. the SEC before they joined the Big Ten or South Carolina or Arkansas before they joined the SEC. However, it does count former members of the conferences -- but, again, only games they played while a member of the conference.

**I will have to submit another comment as apparently I can only submit 800 see below. **

Aug 25, 2007
by: Anonymous

I have previously used numbers from College Football Data Warehouse and, but a reader pointed out some "issues" with those numbers, and referred me to Sports Link Network. The current numbers on this site were obtained from the Sports Link Network.

I believe the only way you get the numbers you cite is by taking the current members of the SEC and Big Ten and then looking at their all-time head to head games -- even before there was an SEC and Big Ten -- so back to before 1900.

To me, counting the records of teams before there even was an SEC or Big Ten is not relevant to "SEC vs Big Ten" stats.

But, certainly that could be debated.

**have run out again**must change this 800 character limit...

Aug 25, 2007
by: Anonymous

This brings up the interesting point that if you look at trend lines the rise of the SEC and relative decline of the Big Ten is startling. NOt that the Big Ten is weak, but it used to be the King of College Football. Mich, Ohio State, Wisc, even Minn. used to dominate college football.

They racked up huge win margins around the turn of the century and really up through the middle of the 1900's.

Obviously, the Big Ten no longer dominates college football. The SEC, on the other hand, has moved up from a mid-tier conference to, arguably, the best college football conference.

The reasons for that are interesting to discuss as they relate to demographics, employment, the general rise of the Sunbelt, etc....

But, that's for another post.

Thanks for your contribution

Jan 04, 2008
Of course, Michigan is 2-0 vs Florida
by: Anonymous

I imagine that the SEC supporters chose to ignore Penn State's history vs their conference.

I do not think that many B10 supporters are arguing that the B10 is better than the SEC. But the SEC fans suggest that the B10 is to the SEC like the MAC is to the B10. This is foolish. When they claim that Michigan and OSU would translate to South Carolina and Arkansas quality programs - a tier below the "Powers" of Alabama, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, LSU and Auburn - we get our feathers ruffled. 25-5 is hardly a middling level team.

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