College Football Playoff Proposal

(Minneapolis, MN)

Note this proposal was written during the 1998 college football season; but the principles seem like they would work just as well this year.

I've read your college football playoff proposal and while it is a vast improvement on the current fiasco, I think I can improve it in a way that makes it more likely to become adopted.

Simply put, you must win your conference to qualify for the playoffs. This simple rule leaves us with 8 teams, the top 8 ranked conference champions. Then after a break for finals at the end of the season the top four of these 8 host the bottom four at the traditional conference bowl game.

Florida at the Sugar Bowl
Oklahoma at the Orange Bowl
USC at the Rose Bowl
Penn St and the Big Ten would have to find their own bowl game. Maybe the Cotton Bowl? ;)

I think Utah, Boise St., Cincinatti & Virginia Tech? would be the opponents.

Now we haven't dumped the bowl games so we have them on our side. The games play at their traditional New Years time with the second round the week after and the championship game 2 weeks into the Spring semester. These games would be held at rotating Bowl game sites the way the Championship game rotates now.

I think this addresses all the objections to a playoff. Attack it if you find weaknesses.

For the very latest, check out our current article about the BCS Controversy.

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Dec 03, 2010
The BCS is HORRIBLE!!!!!!
by: Anonymous

The BCS is an absolute abomination! We need a true playoff system (like the orginal proposed in 1998)to keep the integrity and mystique that is College Football. This will also force many schools from the "Major Conferences" (primarily the Big Ten...) from playing such sub-par preseason games AND force the conference to become a consistent power like the SEC. Living in Ohio I see first hand how flawed the BCS system is. Ohio State plays a preseason MAC (or worse in case like Eastern Michigan this season)and a Big Ten schedule with 1 or 2 Top Tier schools only to lose (ie Wisconsin) or stuggle to win. I am hopeful that Nebraska coming in and forcing a Conference Champion may add some legitimacy to the Big Ten. This also plays into the proposal of a true play off system with an 8 team Conference Champion(s) system.

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