College Football Playoff Idea

by jeffrey p
(clarksville , tn usa)

It is not that hard stick to the bcs polls 1- 10 play in bowls 1 plays 2; 3 plays 4 so on the winner of the 1 vs 2 is the national champion

to get to that you stick to bcs bowl leagues win it comes to proven teams like boise state an other teams that are proven they should have schuduled games against bcs bowl league teams

then you could see who is up to par for a national championship game because on any given saturday any team can beat any team an the bigger league teams should not be able to block teams out who would like to play them -- like ohio state paid cincinnati bearcats 1,000,000 dollars not to play them because they felt it would be a bad thing because of power points and uc bearcats is in the big east an bcs bowl league

so we just stop saying who did they play they play the same teams they always play if you win your bcs bowl league you should be considerd for the national game, if more than 2 teams are undefeated we have a play off the highest two seeds play for a chance to play the lowest seed team fair.

and this is about the 2009 season.

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