college baseball attendance leaders

by tigahfan

When you listed the attendance leaders you got Arkansas over LSU. LSU has lead the nation on attendance the past 14 seasons

editor's note: thanks, will fix!

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Jun 03, 2010
by: Anonymous

Lets see... Sunny weather + larger stadium's equals more attendance? Weird.

Well, here in rainy Oregon, OSU vs U of O drew an average of 18,000 in attendance last year for their 3 game set in Portland OR. Since Corvallis (home of OSU) only has 50K in population along with weather in the 40's and 50's through mid April, I'd say we are doing pretty good with our attendance.

Not saying Pac-10 fans are more rabid than those in the SEC, but give OSU 75 degree weather, no rain, no clouds and a 10K stadium and OSU would do just as well. As a matter of fact, OSU's stadium keeps expanding, and OSU did lead the Pac-10 in attendance this year... Even with all the sun in So Cal and Arizona.

May 15, 2011
L S U Tigers
by: Anonymous

Attendance records do not lie--L S U has been consistent national attendance leader year in and year out for many many years. Will they lead again in attendance in 2011? We will have to wait and see. How bout them L S U Tigers-College Baseball Program of the Decade 1990's. The state of Louisiana loves their L S U Tigers and wishes well to all teams who qualify for the baseball regionals. Omaha is a great place to end the season.

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