Big Ten - We Need to Pay More!!!

by Josh

The Big Ten coaches need to stop playing by the rules and offer these kids' families money. Then the mid level teams in the big ten can go from firing their Tommy Tuberville's to winning National Championships in two years.

No one pays like the south. They are famous for three things: Slavery, illiteracy and football. It's no wonder their football programs pay their assistant coaches more then any other conference. Because if they aren't good at football, then only the other two apply.

Simply put, nobody takes the South seriously in REAL life, so it is overwhelmingly important that they have something to hang their hat on each year.

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Feb 04, 2011
by: MR Slay

Losers always have to show their stupid fat ass because they can't win. And cheating, 4 players on osu who should have been baned from the Sugar Bowl, and let's look at the wonderful records of those Iowa player's and their crack houses. The only thing Big about the little 10 is the joke they and their fans are !!!

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