Big Ten Vs. SEC

by Shaun
(Owego, NY)

Everybody talks about how good the SEC is, and they are, but why is that none of the GOOD teams in the SEC ever travel futher than the southeast?

Why can't florida leave and go play ohio state in columbus in november? Why can't LSU or Georgia go and play texas or USC in their back yards?

All the big bowl games are played in the south, WHY? Why can't the Sugar Bowl be played in Columbus or Ann Arbor? I know the LSU - Ohio State game was a blow in the second quarter only, but it was in New Orleans, (LSU yard). What if that game was played in Columbus, Ohio? I think it would of been way different.

Also I here a lot of people say Ohio state has a cupcake schedule, but what about all the GOOD SEC teams non-conference sechedules. I think the best team, in a non-conference game last year for the SEC was Georgia at Arizona State and they sucked.

So for all you SEC fans that think only Ohio State has a cup-cake schedule THINK AGAIN. In this decade the SEC is the best, but in this century its the BIG TEN by far.

Fun Fact, Ohio State has the most first round picks of any school since 2006.

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