Big Ten vs SEC Rivalry

by Ryan

Here is my Comment on this rivalry. Every year I think one conference has their argument. The past few I would agree the SEC top to bottom has been better, no doubt in my mind.

Though here is my biggest argument with all the stats, and I know this is a pipe dream, but please, please SEC teams, I don't want to hear anything until you visit a Big Ten Stadium in November or(even bigger dream) December/January for a bowl game. Your big lofty records are usually in January in Florida where due to location your team has the majority of fans.

Though I will speak for my alma mater PSU is 5-3 against the SEC since 1990 and we travel quite well! C'mon Bama, UF, LSU, you think the swamp, and Baton Rouge are tough places to play, come to "the horseshoe, big house, or Beaver stadium in November to even out the playing field.

We will still gladly play you in the south in January, just come see us when the temp. is below 40, the wind is whistling, and the flakes are falling, then we will talk football.

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Aug 17, 2007
Good Idea
by: Mo

Ryan -- thanks a lot for your comments. Great idea! I wish the SEC and Big Ten played more against each other. Would be good for the fans. In fact, I've always had this idea that two teams from each conference should switch schedules. So, for instance, Tenn. would play Mich's schedule and vice versa. Would be really interesting. I think I know what we'd find out. But, you might disagree.

Anyway, thanks again.

Sep 12, 2007
your (darn) right
by: Anonymous

i love everything that was said here. go bucks. and... isnt it funny that all they ever talk about is how good they do out of conference, when all ive seen is them host average big 12 schools and boise st. s. come to columbus mark richt.

Oct 13, 2007
darn right
by: Anonymous

I completly agree. I get sick of year after year playing these bowl games in the south. football is all about november and december, when the ball is as hard as a rock and your sweat freezes to your face. Its about adapting from 90+ degree september days to the 0 degree last game of the season. smash mouth in-your-face football, grinding it out in the trenches. Unfortunately, football has become about advertising and excitement and ratings, and low scoring defensive games dont fit that bill. the big ten will adapt. Wisconsin has probably one of the best up-and coming receivers in college football. we just need to ride out the slump and beat more SEC teams than we loose to again when it counts - in january.

Jan 02, 2008
by: Anonymous

SEC fans see to think that football weather is sunny and 80 degrees. But the reality is football weather is what it is. If it's raining, snowing, windy, muddy, etc; then it's good football weather and up North there are no excuses.

Besides I really think most of the over emotional hype from SEC fans is to compensate for that loss over 140 years ago.

Jan 09, 2009
very true
by: Anonymous

Up north I never heard people talk trash about the sec, but spend a couple days in the south and all you'll hear is big ten who, yankeetown this and that, yankees are mean, etc etc. I've lived in both the north and the south and it is the south that holds a bitter grudge. Get over it!

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