Big Ten Fan: SEC and Racism

I agree that the SEC is the best top to bottom conference in the country right now, though that advantage will narrow when Rodriguez modernizes Michigan's schemes and Paterno (whom I respect and admire, but whose time has passed) is replaced by a similarly modern coach.

I do, though, diminish anything that the SEC did in the years while they were operating under a system of apartheid, systematically denying African American students (and athletes) entry to (mostly) state sponsored educational institutions.

Also, I wonder why the offspring of those African Americans would ever want to aggrandize those same institutions that so boldly excluded them in their parents life time.

Other schools, including the Big Ten and the Pac Ten have long been open to participation by all, no matter the color of a player's skin.

It does strike me odd, when I see a black player score for Alabama or LSU or Mississippi, where the leaders, both of the states and the schools, once bragged that only "over their dead bodies" would would a black man ever step foot inside these halls.

And, what about the lack of African American coaches and Athletic Directors?

Oh, I'm sure that that surely is not talk for decent society.

Shh! We might awaken a sleeping giant.

Editor's Note: You make some interesting points. BUT, racism has long existed in all parts of America, and frankly, the world. It is not unique to the states that make up the SEC. It did go on more blatently, longer, perhaps.

Same thing with the hiring of coaches and AD's. That's a societal issue; not unique to the SEC. In fact, Mississippi State has one of the most successful black head coaches in America, Sylvester Croom. And, they kept him through 3 losing seasons.

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Jan 02, 2008
by: Anonymous

wow good point...Since slavery is a relevant issue in 2008.

Feb 08, 2008
by: Anonymous

go cry about racism somewhere else, this is football, black and white players unite on a team. 2008,,U can obtain what u want in life, if u do not,look in the mirror

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