Big Ten Cracked SEC - ACC "speed"

Big ten has focused more on how to prepare for out of conference match ups, especially high powered offense "speed teams", and it showed this bowl season.

Wisc dominated Miami, OSU dominated Oregon, Penn State beat LSU, even Northwestern handled Auburn very well, Iowa dominated Ga Tech. Big ten showed they can run fast too.

The midwest is the hardest working, toughest, heart of the USA. The big ten will crack the code to dominate once again. Remember your heisman trophy winner (Ingram) is from big ten country.

Live it up while it lasts.

My prediction... SEC = SECond

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Jan 06, 2010
Someone is cracked
by: Mike

If one had watched the games, Auburn had to beat Northwestern (and they did) 3 times to satisfy the refs who were blatantly one sided, and if LSU had been on a football field instead of a mud pit they would have handled Pee State easy. Even in that mess you could see who had the real Athletes.

Of coarse you're talking about your best, Our best broke countless Sugarbowl records, and as normal win the National championship.

The SEC has the 2 best teams in football and our middle teams each year are the best.

Nov 29, 2011
by: Anonymous

He'll its about time you all got fast, you should've been a lot faster trying to run from jerry sandusky :0

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