Big East Football Should Be Taken Seriously

(Bir Roge the FB man)

You guys must have failed logic 101.

How could you include the Miami, Virginia Tech and Boston College wins with the ACC prior to them joining that league?

Lets say for instance Boston College played North Carolina and BC won say five years ago. Now you are giving both the win and that loss to the same conference. Those are Big East wins but I guess this is an old article because you also said you don't take the Big East seriously - shows how much you know - the rest of the country takes the Big East seriously. Who can take you seriously?

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Sep 24, 2007
Big East Football is Headed in the Right Direction
by: Mo Johnson

Thanks for your comments. As we note in the article -- including the Miami, Va Tech, and BC wins in ACC numbers is certainly an issue. On the other hand, those teams are now in the ACC. The ACC gains the advantage of the total football programs of each of those schools. Part of their total program is their history. Is it fair to continue to credit the current Big East with wins from schools not part of the Big East any more.

Anyway, as we point out in the article you cite -- certainly how to handle this issue is debatable. We discuss this in more depth on the Big Ten vs SEC Football page.

As for Big East football being taken seriously -- well that has to be earned on the football field. And, the Big East has had some nice wins over the past year and a half. But, they don't have near the history or tradition as the other major football conferences. That is changing and I think we are appropriately recognizing the changes.

Before we move Big East football ahead of one of the other major conferences, we need to see some Big East teams beat some major football powers in big bowl games. And do it a few times. Big East football is a long way from that. But, they are certainly headed in the right direction.

Jan 31, 2008
Burton, MI
by: Jeffrey

I'm not associated with this site, but I can read. Since they put where the numbers came from and you apparently don't know, than I guess you can't read and will never decipher this.

This information comes directly from the NCAA, so I guess you can't take them seriously. Somebody is clever enough, though to realize the NCAA numbers are not 100% accurate, but these are. So I wouldn't talk them down unless you're prepared to talk down the NCAA.

For what it's worth, the Big East is 38-32 in bowls. Considering how weak the opponents have been in those bowls, it's really nothing to write home about. Also, considering how traditionally weak the conference has been, it's hard to take the conference in itself too serious, but maybe they are on their way. We'll see.

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