Big 4 Conference Cup

by delreo johnson
(San Diego)

Forget the east vs west, shriners, senior bowls, lets have a Big 4 conference cup every year.

4 bowl games after all the regular bowl games are over. all the players that want to declare for the NFL draft. Form a team that repesents his conference, the conference with the most bowl wins get the top seeds.

Pac 10 allstars vs Big 12 allstars and the winner gets play the winner of the Big 10 allstars vs the SEC allstars. Losers play for 3rd and 4th place.

and each conference get to pick players from other conferences not in the Big 4 Cup. It would be second only to the Super Bowl and we would find out who is the best Conference.

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Mar 04, 2008
big 4 cup
by: Anonymous

Mr Johnson,

Although your intentions are good, you miss the mark on what football teams are and what makes them tick. To throw a bunch of guys out onto a feild without any practice, or time to strategize their strengths and weaknesses is crazy. Football in the upper tiers of the NCAA is a very complicated sport. Even more so in the NFL. Your plan would give everyone a high priced, highly talented sand lot game.

There is so much that goes into a winning football team, based on game planning and timing. A Senior Bowl concept is only a good way at looking for individual talent. However, it would most definately miss the mark as to who the better conference was.


Bishopville, MD

Mar 06, 2008
I like it
by: Anonymous

Every year bragging rights. NFL scouts get 3 spirted hard fought good games, conference pride, lots of fan interest. A good idea

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