BCS doesn't care

the BCS really doesn't care about who wins what bowls or who goes, they just care about the money, therefore there will never be a playoff system

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Jan 26, 2011
The BCS is a fraud
by: Anonymous

You are totally right. The BCS is a fraud that was never intended to determine a national champion. It was and is simply a pretext for a scam to funnel obscene amounts of money into the pockets of a self-selected group of programs. Sad thing is there is no way these same teams will everl allow their supporters in the various state legislatures to do away with this bad joke.

Dec 17, 2011
2011 - 2012 BCS Bowls -- Still a Fraud!
by: Anonymous

Saw this and thought yall would like to see it:

CARL STEWARD, Oakland Tribune: "The teams listed 6-7-8-9 in the final BCS standings (Arkansas, Boise State, Kansas State, South Carolina) are not going to BCS bowl games. Teams ranked 10, 13, 15 and 23 (Wisconsin, Michigan, Clemson, West Virginia) are.

Tell me the system doesn't need to be overhauled.........and soon!!

Can't spell BCS without BS!

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