About Us

This website was created to fill a vacuum in internet coverage of SEC sports. There are many fan websites dedicated to specific SEC schools and teams. Many of them do a great job and you will find links in this site to some of the best.

But, if you are looking for a broader view of SEC sports, as a whole, or an objective view of how your favorite team stacks up against others in the conference--it is difficult to find that on the web.

There is the official SEC sports site. But, no SEC sports FAN sites. And, the official SEC sports site, of course, cannot give candid opinions comparing the 12 SEC schools. That's where this site comes in. We can...and do. See Which is the Best SEC Sports College?

We also compare the SEC to the other major sports conferences in all sports. No one else does this. See Which is the Best College Sports Conference?

Additionally, if you want information on the many SEC sports beyond football and basketball -- that can be virtually IMPOSSIBLE to find. Go ahead, do a web search for...say SEC volleyball or tennis or golf. Good luck. You won't find much.

Mo Johnson, publisher of SECsportsfan.com Click the play button
to hear a welcome message

So, this site was born. We don't pretend to do what other sites already do. If you want in-depth information about your favorite team -- we'll give you the best links to find that information. But, if you want a broader perspective on SEC sports --you'll only find that here.

Tennessee Fans

To the right is a picture of me with my son -- (he's already a big UT/SEC fan as you can see). If you'd like to read more about how and why I built this website, click on the picture.

I hope you enjoy the site as much as I do building it. If so, tell a friend to check us out.

If you have any SEC sports information you'd like to pass along, please do so. We'll be happy to publish it and, of course, credit you for passing along the information. You will find a form to do this at Submit SEC Sports Information.

If you are interested, here is the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use you accept when you use this website.

Here's the page to advertise on this site.

If you have specific areas you'd like to see covered or have other comments about the site -- we would LOVE to hear them. We are always trying to improve www.secsportsfan.com. Please use the form at Contact Us.

Mo Johnson
U.S. Army, Retired
Publisher: www.secsportsfan.com; www.sectalk.com; www.best-all-time.com
Member, Football Writers Assocation of America
1992 Graduate Univ. of Tennessee
(but still objective and unbiased--don't you think?)

football writers association of america

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By Mo Johnson, Copyright © 2006-2025 SECSportsFan.com

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