2010 - 11 Bowl Game Predictions

by Mike

Below are thoughts on these predictions. Overall they’re pretty solid, but I do not agree with some of the predictions:

Wisconsin vs. TCU: TCU narrowly defeated a few unknowns this year and I think that they will lose this game. It will not be a blow out, but Wisconsin will handle the small school. This isn’t a Boise State situation.

BYU vs. UTEP: I just think that BYU is pretty solid and UTEP isn’t that good. This is just another example of why we need a playoff and not unfair bowl games.

Utah vs. Boise St.: I do agree that Boise St. will win this game, but 48-3 is a little ridicules. Utah will put up a few touchdowns.

Hawaii vs. Tulsa: Hawaii wins this game just because they have better weather.

Oklahoma State vs. Arizona: I also think that Oklahoma State will win this game, but Arizona will hang tough and this will not be a blowout, mark that down.

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