#1 Bucks Fan!!!

by Matt Johnson
(London, Ohio)

Well, I'll start with the fact that the Big 10 has put way more talented players in the pros than the SEC. Just to name a few. Eddie Gorge, Tom Brady, Charles Woodsen, Antwain Randle El, Drew Brees, Joe Galloway, Santonio Holmes, Ron Dane, Chris Gamble, Lavar Arrington... I could go on forever.

Now about the 0-9 bowl game record. Hell Most of those game were played in the south anyway, and the OSU vs LSU title game was played in the Superdome. That was pretty much a home game for LSU!!!

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Dec 19, 2010
by: Anonymous

Your right. And guess what:

bama vs mich st - in florida

florida vs penn st - in florida

ohio state vs ark - in louisiana

hhhmmm, notice a trend? All in SEC territory!

At least one game should be played in big ten country, or at least neutral grounds.

Imagine if the sec played ohio state at michigan, iowa or wisky, it would be at osu's advatage in a major way. They are familiar with playing there.

Dec 19, 2010
oh ya
by: Anonymous

Oh, I forgot

miss st vs mich - in florida !!!!!

I would like to see an sec team play in a setting like at wisc! As pumped as whisky was when they played ohio state, I truely believe they would have beat ANY TEAM that nite. All SEC included!

Come play up North SEC!

Orgeon vs lsu in texas next season. at least its semi-neutral ground.

Jan 03, 2011
cry me a river..oh cry me a river......
by: Hognacious

So let me get this straight you Big Ten crybabies
all of you....... You'd rather play the SEC in
WHICH bowl up north???? Let's take stock shall we?
What's up there bowl wise? Detroit City Bowl?
Hmmmm......what else? ANYthing else??? Boys....
we'll play ya anywhere, but I'll tell ya right
now, this "home game" crap you boys are comin'
up with is just nuthin' but excuses. If you
fellas can't afford to travel to a REAL bowl, no
matter where it might be, then don't hang that on
the SEC, when the best bowls are located in the
southern part of the U.S. So all of ya'll just
man up and quit the excuse makin' and bring your
cleats and let's play and leave your excuses out
on the field. This ain't the 60's and 70's any
more and Woody, Bo, and and Joe are long gone.
Wait.....oops....reckon 'ol Joepa still around
after all lol. Anyways......next time we have
a 6-6 team with no where to go, we'll send 'em
up ya'll's way to play your champ or runner up
in a yankee bowl so you boys can feel right at
home .....with just one .....more ......loss! lol

Jan 05, 2011
by: Anonymous

I can't understand you southern boy, take the fried okra out of your mouth.

It does't matter, Bucks finally came out on top despite the sec home feild adv.

Jan 04, 2012
Oops, vacated
by: Anonymous

Looks like Ohio State didn't come out on top now. 0-10 vs the SEC. Stop cheating and maybe you'll beat us. Ironic that guys complain about the southern bowls when you guys are most pumped about the Rose Bowl in SOUTHERN California. Go figure you hypocrit.

Host your own bowl, if you can afford it. Not sure you can pay the BCS fees involved.

Also, tickets are sold evenly in BCS games to each team. Hence why most bowl games are split with one side of the stadium one color and the other side another color (representing their school colors for you Big Ten fans that don't get it).

And fyi, Alabama went in to Penn State this year and dominated them. Didn't even let them sniff the endzone until 2 minutes left in the game.

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